Alone on Cathy Island (Weekend Recap)

"Sometimes it takes learning how to be perfectly lonely, just so God can show you what being perfectly loved feels like. Never doubt the season He has your life in."


Alone. I haven't spent a weekend alone in well...forever. I either make plans to keep myself busy, or I have my children to keep me busy. I decided I would try a little experiment this weekend to see if I could not only survive the weekend alone, but really enjoy it. Amazingly enough I did both!

I am used to doing life with someone, so adjusting to the change of no partner has been really hard on me. In my loneliness, I have sought attention from the wrong people...and I have felt the consequences of that. I believe that when we struggle, it is because God is working on us. I feel there was something more that He wanted me to learn. That is what prompted me to realize that I need to REALLY love myself, by myself. I need to accept how amazing He thinks I am, no matter what trials or rejections come my way in this fallen world. I learned this weekend that I can be alone...but I am never alone.  Here's a little recap of my fun. I have a feeling I will be enjoying many more weekends just like this, and LOVING it!

I don't always ride 12 miles but when I do it's in the brightest Lululemon outfit I own! #safetyfirst

Patriot Coffee and cut-offs! :)

An hour massage, delightful!

I even dined solo. The BEST Pad Thai in Lakeland!

Watched the sunset last night on my back patio! <3

Baker's dozen and homemade cream cheese from Uncle Nick's this morning!

Now it's time to turn on some music, and sit in the sun by my pool. How was your weekend?




This Too Shall Pass


The Middle