The Middle



At an equal distance from the extremities of something; central. 

After a year and a half, I am finally sleeping in the middle of my bed. Reason number one for the delay, it's easier to just make up one side in the morning. Reason number two, I was used to someone sharing the other side for 16 years. Adjustments to single life are happening little by little. But I must admit that swiping the pillows out of the way, messing up the whole bed—and curling up in the middle feels pretty damn good.

I have admitted a million times that unrealistic expectations are my specialty. But I am learning now that in the middle...I can still have expectations! I am equal distance between unrealistic expectations and no expectations at all—which means there is still hope. Right now I have hope that I can enjoy this time in my life that is so much different than I expected it to be. My family unit may not be what I thought it would be, but I still have my family. I may not be fully healed...but I am in the middle of my healing.

I started thinking about good things that are in the middle of something and here is what I came up with. Most have to do with food, well! Your turn…help me think of more!

-The creme in the middle of an Oreo cookie

-Reaching the halfway mark of a race

-Air in a tire

-Peanut butter and jelly

-A jump rope

-Pie filling

-The Psalms

-Tmesis: Separation of the parts of a compound word by one or more intervening words. Example: Fan-freaking-tastic!

-The gooey cheese inside of a grilled cheese sandwich

-Halftime shows

-A butterfly in a cocoon

-The middle of a good book

-The middle of a group hug


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