Tammy’s Story

At 52, I've been getting mammograms since I turned 40. I've had a few callbacks, but nothing serious until August 2023. I expected the usual, but this time I needed a biopsy and it revealed breast cancer on my youngest son's first day of seventh grade. In the past 5 months, I've had two lumpectomies, multiple scans, and 4 rounds of chemo due to my Onco score. Next, 20 radiation treatments and 5-10 years of AI medication to prevent cancer recurrence.

Despite being 52 and having struggled with infertility for over 10 years, I'm a mom to three teenagers. Telling them about my cancer was tough, and for them, I stay positive. I work full time during treatments, trying to keep life as normal as possible. Grateful for a supportive family, boss, and co-workers, I remind myself that my hair will grow back, and I focus on being alive. Taking life one day at a time, sometimes one hour or minute at a time.

My cancer is aggressive, but yearly mammograms caught it at Stage 1a. I don't know the future, but I'm thankful I didn't postpone my annual exam. It may have saved my life! So, if you haven't, schedule your mammogram today.


Christine’s Story


Renee’s Story