Brittany’s Story

I am reaching out on behalf of My sister, Brittany, loving wife to Patrick and a devoted mother to two beautiful girls Eva June, Presley, and a brave little boy Max. Brittany has been diagnosed with Stage 1 invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3, triple positive, Breast Cancer. This news has been a profound shock to us all, and we are rallying together to support her in every possible way. We know our God is powerful and no diagnosis is too big for Him.

Brittany is 32 years old and a mirror image of God and His goodness. She is a devoted worship leader, guiding others towards Jesus and the heart of God. Her role as a mom of three is marked by unwavering dedication and showing the love of Jesus Christ, nurturing her children with compassion and making sure their every need is met and that life is full of joy. In her marriage with her husband, Patrick, she stands as an amazing wife, best friend, and confidant, characterized by her unconditional love, encouraging spirit and zest for life. Brittany’s life is a testament to her profound faith in God and the genuine care she extends to everyone around her, a genuine example of a Proverbs 31 woman.

However, the battle against cancer brings with it not only an emotional toll but also significant financial burdens. The costs associated with her medical treatment, including chemotherapy, double mastectomy surgery, and other necessary care, are daunting. On top of this, there are everyday living expenses and bills, which are increasingly difficult to manage as Brittany will be unable to work during her treatment and her husband Patrick will need to take time away from work to be there for her and the kids.

We have established this GoFundMe page to support Brittany and her family during this critical period. Your generosity will not only aid in covering Brittany's medical expenses but also help in maintaining stability for her family during this challenging time.

No amount of support is too small; every gesture of kindness is greatly appreciated for Brittany, Patrick, and their children. Along with your financial assistance, we deeply value your prayers and encouragement for Brittany's healing and speedy recovery.

We promise to keep you updated on Brittany’s journey of healing and the family’s well-being on this page. Please feel free to share this page far and wide, extending our reach to those who might be moved to help.

We are profoundly grateful for any support you can offer. Your contribution, big or small, plays a critical role in Brittany's healing against cancer and in sustaining her family through this time.

With heartfelt thanks,

Bradley Hendrix

Link to Brittany’s Go Fund Me if you’d like to help more.


Brianna’s Story


Samantha’s Story