Three Rules

I love this quote. So simple, yet so powerful.

Do right. 

I understand that doing the right thing isn't always easy. But I also know that you will never go wrong doing the right thing. I felt the pain of someone not doing the right thing recently. This time, the right thing was so easy to do. But the person that I trusted chose to go about something in a way that I still can't wrap my brain around. A five minute conversation in person with me would have made the news I had to hear so much easier to digest. Instead I felt blindsided, betrayed and as if I didn't matter. I can't imagine putting someone in that situation, and I never will. Some people we trust will disappoint us, they won't choose to do the right thing. But even when they don't, we still can...and I will. People matter—do right.

Do the best you can.  

I have obviously been going through a very rough season. There are days that I have to force myself out of bed. But in those times I pray, give myself a pep talk and remind myself that I am doing my best. Patience is hardest when I can't see the reward. I feel like every time I get going, something knocks the wind out of my sails again. I suppose this is where faith steps in. Continually reminding myself to trust that God has something amazing in store for me, but it's just not time yet. I remind myself that even though some people will mistreat me, He has placed wonderful people in my life that do love me, care for me and have my back always. I want to be that that person for others in return—I will do my best.

Always show people you care.

This last rule is the one that I am grappling with the most. It's the rule that gets lost so many times because people don't take time to pause and have true empathy for others. They may read an article about it, share it and expect their coworkers, family or friends to implement it...but they don't put it into action themselves. So when they don't it is natural to feel confused, hurt and betrayed. Many times we won't get the same courtesy back that we are willing to give—and it's not fair. But I have a choice to make. I have every right to be angry and hurts, bad. But I will choose to hold my head high and care about the very people that have let me down. Who knows, maybe my example will inspire them to show people they care in the future? Always show people you care!

Better days ahead.




Life is a Photobomb


This Too Shall Pass