Life is a Photobomb




1. Spoil a photograph of (a person or thing) by unexpectedly appearing in the camera's field of view as the picture is taken, typically as a prank or practical joke. 

I have decided that life is a photobomb. Although, I propose we insert the word "enhance" instead of "spoil" in the definition. It changes perspective—and speaks to the reality that I have been living through. It's been quite a while since my last post, but I finally have something to say at 11:55 p.m. on a Friday night so I'm gonna roll with it.

Navigating the hardships in my life over the past two years has been much more tolerable because of new friends, opportunities and adventures that have appeared unexpectedly.

I've been photobombed...and I like it. 

I have some major decisions to make soon. They have been keeping me up at night, but yet I remain thankful. God is giving me the strength to keep going. I don't know what is coming my way next, but there hasn't been a day that I haven't felt love in some form...from someone, unexpectedly. It comes in words of advice, encouragement, company and even in sweet treats. The minute I start to feel sorry for myself, I am reminded of just how loved I am. You can't make this stuff up. It keeps me going and focused on the promise that good things are to come if I continue to trust God's promise for my life.

Case in point, the photo above. My energetic K. He is the definition of a photobomb in my life. 100%!  Unexpected, but total enhancement. I will never be a perfect mother. My children have witnessed me go through the unimaginable. Physical pain, grief and they have taken front row seats at my pity parties. Even still, they continue to show me grace every day. Praying for me, loving me and never giving up on me. What more could I ask for?

Due to the fact that I need to sleep, I am going to cut this short. I leave you with a challenge.

The next time you are photobombed...embrace the enhancement. Don't spoil it.




Hey Girl...I See You


Three Rules