Hey Girl...I See You

Hey single, working mom. I see you. 

To be honest, I didn't see you before. I was too busy living the past decade of my life working part-time which allowed me the privilege to be with my children before and after school, as well as over the summer. I went on all of the field trips, I planned fun parties and playdates...I was the homeroom mom. I had the opportunity to go on great trips and shower my kids with attention. I used to make things, I had time to take pictures of my outfits and post them to my blog.

But now—single, working mom...I want you to know that I see you.

I see you passing your children off to someone else over the summer while you head out on a long commute to work.

I see you planning trips to the grocery store on your lunch break because there is no other time to go.

I see you making every meal possible in a crock pot so that it is ready when you finally walk through the door at 7 p.m. or later.

I see you grieving the loss of your family while you watch others enjoy family time together.

I see you crying in the shower and in the car because that is the only time you can let it out.

I see you adjusting to a new financial situation, making sacrifices and missing the lifestyle that you were accustom to.

I see you missing out on time with your friends because of your new schedule and the massive to-do list you carry daily.

I see you praying for someone to ask if you need help when you are too afraid to bother them by asking for it yourself.

I see you barely able to keep your eyes open after a long day, but staying awake anyway to read a book or watch a movie with your kids.

I see you worrying if you are screwing your kids up with your "extended stay" in survival mode.

I see you blogging at a quiet coffee shop on your break because when else will you have time to do it?

But do you know what else I see? I see you not giving up. I see you taking the time you need to grieve and to process all that you have lost. I see you determined to come out better on the other side of the mess that you didn't choose...but find yourself in. I see you putting one foot in front of the other. I see you doing the best you can to be a good example for your children even though you're far from perfect.

Hey stay-at-home mom. I see you.

After all, I was just like you for a long time. I knew what it was like to stay in my PJs all day and accomplish nothing but a few loads of laundry. The definition of a good day was just simply keeping everyone alive. I remember missing getting dressed for work and longing for adult conversations that didn't revolve around diapers, playtime, Disney Jr. and parenting tips.

I see you sacrificing your time and sanity daily for your kids' benefit.

I see you making adjustments in your budget so that you can afford to stay home.

I see you counting down the minutes until Daddy comes home, so that you can have a minute to yourself..or at least time to finish dinner.

I see you packing enough bags to go camping for a week, just to head out on a simple trip to the park.

I see you browsing Pinterest for fun ideas to keep the kids busy over the summer (which seems even longer when you are a stay-at-home mom).

I see you getting one child over an illness just in time to pass it on to your other one...and ultimately catching whatever it was yourself.

I see you missing out on time with your grown-up friends...and feeling like a camp counselor instead.

But do you know what else I see? I see an incredibly strong woman taking advantage of the opportunity that many moms wished they had. The opportunity to spend as much time as possible with her children. I see you making the choice to invest in your children's lives while you have the amazing privilege to do so.

Hey working mom. I see you.

I see you worrying if you made the right decision choosing career over time with your kids.

I see you being forced to make the choice to work due to financial reasons.

I see you rushing to pick up the kids before the clock hits "late fee" time.

I see you missing out on time with your husband because you are so exhausted from working all day long.

But do you know what else I see? I see a woman investing in herself. A woman who chose to invest in her family's future by bettering herself in her career. I see you devoted to being the best you can be at your job and making the office a better place for others to be. I see your coworkers respecting you for what you bring to the table; at work and at home.

Hey single girl. I see you.

I see you waiting on the right one to come along to fall in love and share your life with.

I see you longing for a baby of your own, while you watch your friends post beautiful pictures of their families on social media.

I see you trying to make all of the right friends and avoid the wrong ones. ;)

I see you struggling on one income and worrying about your future.

But do you know what else I see? I see a woman with her whole life ahead of her. I see a woman who is being patient enough to wait on God's timing and not rely on her own. I see a woman who loves herself, so that she will be ready to better love someone else. I see a woman who can make goals and work toward them while she waits on the desires of her heart.

So Hey girl...I see youNo matter who you are, what stage of your life you are in...and how you see yourself.

So, let's start seeing each other.






Life is a Photobomb