Cathy Angel Cathy Angel

Three Rules

I love this quote. So simple, yet so powerful.

Do right. 

I understand that doing the right thing isn't always easy. But I also know that you will never go wrong doing the right thing. I felt the pain of someone not doing the right thing recently. This time, the right thing was so easy to do. But the person that I trusted chose to go about something in a way that I still can't wrap my brain around. A five minute conversation in person with me would have made the news I had to hear so much easier to digest. Instead I felt blindsided, betrayed and as if I didn't matter. I can't imagine putting someone in that situation, and I never will. Some people we trust will disappoint us, they won't choose to do the right thing. But even when they don't, we still can...and I will. People matter—do right.

Do the best you can.  

I have obviously been going through a very rough season. There are days that I have to force myself out of bed. But in those times I pray, give myself a pep talk and remind myself that I am doing my best. Patience is hardest when I can't see the reward. I feel like every time I get going, something knocks the wind out of my sails again. I suppose this is where faith steps in. Continually reminding myself to trust that God has something amazing in store for me, but it's just not time yet. I remind myself that even though some people will mistreat me, He has placed wonderful people in my life that do love me, care for me and have my back always. I want to be that that person for others in return—I will do my best.

Always show people you care.

This last rule is the one that I am grappling with the most. It's the rule that gets lost so many times because people don't take time to pause and have true empathy for others. They may read an article about it, share it and expect their coworkers, family or friends to implement it...but they don't put it into action themselves. So when they don't it is natural to feel confused, hurt and betrayed. Many times we won't get the same courtesy back that we are willing to give—and it's not fair. But I have a choice to make. I have every right to be angry and hurts, bad. But I will choose to hold my head high and care about the very people that have let me down. Who knows, maybe my example will inspire them to show people they care in the future? Always show people you care!

Better days ahead.



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Cathy Angel Cathy Angel

Pain, Purpose and Another (Hopefully Last) Lesson From a People Mover

Thanks Pastor B, for your message that inspired this post years ago. We miss you!

In a recent sermon, my pastor spoke about how God uses pain to shape us in ways that pleasure never could. Anyone who has followed my blog over the past year knows that this has been the most painful year of my life so far. I have tried to stay positive and be the "inspiration" everyone thinks I am. But I continue to make mistakes along this journey. I surrender to God's will only to be distracted by the world. From staying too busy, to trying to find comfort in relationships with those who I like to call "people movers."

Because I only learn lessons after the 99th time of suffering the consequences...yet again I entered a relationship with a people mover a few months back. This people mover was incapable of a real relationship, and I was in denial. It was fun and it filled a void for a little while, but the same disappointment came when the exit took place.

The hardest part is that I grieve the loss of people movers the same way I would an individual capable of true human emotion. I miss the void they filled even though it's clear they didn't have my best interests at heart. It's really not the people mover's fault, I am to blame. I am the one that has the problem choosing.

So I grieved, again. I am trying not to be too hard on myself, but it's time for me to commit to what I said I would in my first post on people movers . Better boundaries. I have to stop making excuses for people and their problems for fear of loosing them in my life. After all, isn't it better to be lonely for a season and heal completely rather than to continue to have my heart broken? Or even worse, be miserable in an unhealthy relationship? Here is an expert from my original post on people movers back in January. It is screaming at me right now.

"I may see warning signs and try to pump the brakes, but I have a hard time accepting reality and protecting myself from the hurt that’s sure to come."

So as you can see, I have been here before. I'm reminded yet again that I have to sit in that reality and come to terms with what it is I am expecting. Why do I depend on the people in my life for happiness?

God has shown me in the past week that my happiness is in MY control, not in what others do. No one can fill the void that breast cancer and my divorce left. Only God. For as long as I can remember I have held onto people, even toxic people, for fear of being alone. I have accepted behaviors and not held any boundaries believing that if the person just would work on their issues everything would be okay and my happiness would return. This is a lie from Satan himself. Damn him.

My happiness doesn't depend on someone else's behavior or actions. So I am taking back the controls.

It is time for me to love myself. To love myself enough to not except anything but the best, which is ultimately what God has in store for me. I suppose it just took multiple times of making the same mistake for it to click. But good news, it's clicking...and I am moving forward. No hard feelings, just another lesson learned the hard way. As far as the my most recent people mover, I will choose to remember the good and leave the bad behind.

Patience is hard while healing, but God promises it will be worth it. I want REAL relationships, real connections and unconditional love. I know that the first place I will find that is in God, and God alone. You want to know the best part? God isn't a people mover. He is here to stay— and He promises to never forsake us. He knows the desires of our hearts. That's a truth that will motivate me to be patient, instead of trying to force my way to happiness. It is a truth that will keep me waiting on the good relationships He has in store for me, instead of trying to find them on my own.



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Cathy Angel Cathy Angel

Round 2!

It all begins with an idea.

Round 2 was super eventful. I pulled off 4 different looks, had queso with my chemo and loved on my sweet momma and first born.

Here are a few of my new looks. I am actually having fun with no hair. Well...t's fun for now. I am sure I will be ready to have my hair back any minute though!


Right in the middle of my infusion! If you know me, you know I have a Lululemon addiction. I was already a fan, but as you can see now, they have my heart. <3  I can't WAIT to blog about the treat they are sending me, stay tuned!

So 2 Down, 2 to go! Blessings abound…even in the storm.



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