The Wilderness

Dating in my 40s = my time in the wilderness.

It's been everything you know to be wild...and then some. 

From Good Morning Gary to Creepy Craig, Mind Reading Mike, Deputy Downer and Peter Pan. I have met an entire cast of characters in the wilderness. They each have their own story, to be revealed one day in my book. The only reason I haven't finished said book is because I am currently living it. I can't wait to see what happens next. ;)

I wouldn't call this time in the wilderness a search for love, as I am in no rush. But...I can't count the times I am asked if I am dating anyone, if I have met someone special or if I am on the hunt for a partner. LOL! These inquiring minds are obviously in much more of a rush than I am. I think it's because many people view being single at my age as sad or lonely or just not normal.

What is normal again?

Why do the majority of people only see a couple as complete? 

I have talked to other single girls who are very familiar with the dating cycle. Date, meet people that aren't the right fit, get frustrated, take a break...repeat. It's fun, disappointing and exhausting all at the same time. But it's a ride that I decided to get off of for a hot minute to avoid needing a barf bag. With that said, I am currently in the "take a break" part of the cycle again.

In case you wondered, I think it's perfectly normal to be single. I would never bash marriage because I haven't found my happily ever after romance, marriage done right is a very beautiful thing. But being single can be just as beautiful. It gives you time to spend with the person that you may forget about when you are in a relationship...yourself! 

On my break I look back on my time in the wilderness and I can admit to the times when I took, but I see even more times when I gave way more than I ever received back. Perspective is good, it creates balance for when the right person does come along. After all, don't we learn best from our mistakes? I live to tell over here.

Being in a place where you can be alone and still find joy is one of life's greatest gifts. It's a time to invest in yourself and discover your full potential. You realize that you are a complete person all by YOURSELF.

Learn new things, visit new places, meet new people, eat ice cream in bed and do the things that you have been putting off. Like writing.

That last one was specifically for me, and it's so good to be back!




Love Bomb 💣

