
Social distancing has provided an opportunity for the world to slow down, something that not many of us take time to do. We have so many options to entertain us at any given moment. Due to social distancing—traveling and going out to eat...or simply going to the movies, a sporting event, a comedy club or a karaoke bar are no longer options.

Families are together and parents are working from home. All while becoming teachers of multiple grades for multiple children. Togetherness has a whole new meaning when every day looks the same, with the same people on set. ;)

I have been seeing so much over the past few weeks. There were things that fell into place for me just two weeks before COVID-19 reared it's ugly head. Had I not made decisions at that time, I would be in a completely different situation right now.

God has a plan for us.

The other morning I was running. This song came on and I remember wanting to raise my hands right there in the street—in worship and surrender. Fear of looking like a loon kept me from doing so, but I remember the warmth I felt in my chest as I thought of all of the ways that He has protected me. Next time, I am going to raise my hands. ;)

This time of social distancing has given me time to evaluate my life situation and all that I have to be grateful for. The things that I saw as a challenge—I look at now as a gift. They have helped me heal from past hurts and grow as a person. I have the opportunity to keep a job that I love while working from home, I have extra time to teach my children new things, I have the opportunity to see my girlfriends more now than ever. Even if it's virtual time, it is something that feels so precious to me right now.

There are so many silver linings.

With all of this said, I challenge you to focus on what you are quaren"seeing" during this gift of time; disguised as a crisis. Pay attention to what you are seeing—and let it motivate you. Let's agree to not go back to the way things were.




Hold Back? Or Hold Off?
