ISO is an acronym often used on the internet by people who are searching for something specific that they'd like to find or purchase.

The reality is that people are always searching, even if they aren't ready to buy. 

My search has remained the same over the past few years. The search for my happily ever after. The search for "whatever" it is that is going to happen in my life to trump all of the bad that I have had to trudge through.

People love to tell what you deserve after a break-up, divorce or other horrible life event. They will inform you of how wonderful they think you are and how you should not settle for anything less than what you "deserve." It's something people say because they are trying to help, but it isn't necessarily the best advice to adhere to.

You want that bag? Buy it, you deserve it. Your spouse doesn't make you happy? Leave him or deserve to be happy. If we aren't careful,  we can become completely entitled—living our lives searching for what we "deserve."

Instead of searching for what I deserve, I am choosing to be happy with what I have. It has made me feel much more fulfilled than sitting around waiting for what I deserve. The reality is that bad things happen to good people daily. There is no explanation for it and it's not always fair.

I will tell you from experience that facing that reality and accepting it is way more freeing than feeling ripped off because we think we "deserve" better. During this coronavirus crisis my eyes have been opened to how God has protected me from so many things. Even when I was mad at him. I am grateful now more than ever.

What are you in search of?






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