Nato’s Story

Hello, I'm Nato from Germany.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 21, which was a huge shock because I was so young. While my friends were feeling proud of their bodies and going out on dates, I was meeting with oncologists and preparing for my mastectomy. After a year and a half of treatment, they realized there were metastases in my sternum that they had missed. At that point, I felt lost—and thought I wouldn't live past 23. I feared I would miss out on experiencing so many special moments in life such as my first love.

Now, at 28, I am married to the love of my life and I am pursuing my third degree. I have made mistakes, but I'm still here, thriving…and fighting. I'm coming to terms with my diagnosis and accepting the possible loss of fertility.

I want to share my story publicly to let others know that even with metastatic breast cancer, a long, happy and good quality of life is possible.

This is my first time sharing something like this. I wish you success and good health on your life journey.



*P.S. Nato was nominated by THREE people! Nato, Thank you for sharing your story with us!


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