Jennifer F’s Story

Hi, my name is Jennifer.

I was diagnosed at 35, 5 months after purchasing my first home and 3 weeks after starting a new position at my job. To say it was devastating is an understatement. I felt something was wrong in my right breast for about two weeks. I advocated vigorously that my doctor order a mammogram.

I sat in the breast imaging center for two hours while women went in and out waiting to hear about my imaging. I knew something was wrong. They called me back to a private room and told me it was likely cancer. I didn’t hear anything after that. I cried all the way down the elevator to my car and couldn’t breathe.

I had two types of breast cancer that they wanted to remove immediately. It was caught early thank God; however, it was aggressive. Two lumpectomies, chemotherapy, radiation, and 9 months later, I’m cancer-free. It was a long traumatic journey, but I’m healing and looking forward to thriving in survivorship.



Stacy I’s Story


Candace H’s Story