Reclaiming Stolen Moments of Joy

In the middle of challenging seasons, especially when suffering from health issues that are out of our control—it can be very difficult to experience joy.

To experience joy, we must have open hearts and relaxed minds. But many times, the moment we relax and start to feel a tingling of joy, we find ourselves being robbed blind…yet again.

So, how can we open our hearts and relax our minds when our alarms are set to protect us from joy thieves lurking around every corner?

Many people combine the words "joy" and "happiness," thinking that they have the same meaning, but there is a crucial difference between the two. I found this excerpt from a 2022 Time Magazine article particularly helpful: Joy is the state of feeling freedom, safety and ease. Unlike some other positive emotions, like compassion and contentment, experiencing joy often depends on preparing for it, rather than spontaneously feeling it, says Philip C. Watkins, a professor of psychology at Eastern Washington University who’s authored many of the leading research papers on joy.

One of the best ways to usher in joy is to strengthen bonds with friends and family. “The most intense joy experiences are probably experienced in relationships,” he says. Filling your life with meaningful goals and purpose is also essential, Watkins notes, as is cultivating an open mindset—and not just to the good stuff. “If you’re open to joy, you have to be open to disappointment,” he says. “Paradoxically, in terms of experiencing joy, there has to be a willingness to experience loss and sadness.”

Gulp, that was hard to digest and accept.

Health Benefits of Joy

According to this article published in Harvard Health Publishing, your immune system can be strengthened by your mental state (immune cells even have receptors for neurotransmitters). Interventions to increase joy may also decrease stress hormones, improve pain, and relieve depression. Finding joy can help you live longer.

Although not always easy, reclaiming stolen joy is about redefining the difficult moments that life has thrown at us. We may not be able to control the outcome, but we can control what we choose to focus on and be grateful for.

Full disclosure. Yesterday, I did not want to pack boxes. I was feeling defeated yet again and frustrated by my healing process and pain. I pushed forward and I found joy in reading our applicants submissions and packing special items in their boxes. These women are going through the unimaginable and showing them love brings me such joy.

It turned my day around—and for that I am so grateful.

What will you focus on to reclaim your stolen joy today?

“When troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. ” James 1:2-3




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