Only The Lonely

The pandemic forced me to embrace something I have never wanted to face. Loneliness.

I am sure I am not "alone" in this.

Over the years, I have found ways to avoid feeling lonely. But during this season, I have spent more time alone than ever before. I have discovered that sitting in the loneliness and actually feeling it; isn't as terrible as I thought it would be. I can see now that distracting myself from loneliness in the past was even more disappointing than just allowing myself to feel it.

Looking back, if I would have just given myself time to be lonely, I could have prevented many frustrations and a number of mistakes. I would have seen that the feelings of loneliness are temporary—and honestly, not so bad after all. I didn't give myself credit. I didn't think I could do it, I didn't think I should have to.

I am glad that the pandemic forced me to confront my fear of loneliness. It made me realize that I have allowed people to enter my life way too quickly...and the majority of those people did not have my best interests at heart. I have also learned more about who I am as an individual. I have discovered so many things that I enjoy doing all by myself...and for that, I am truly grateful.

There is a sense of peace that comes from learning to enjoy your own company. I have also learned to be much more aware—and very choosy of the people that I do allow in my life.

Being alone is something that I actually look forward to now...instead of dreading. This year hasn't been the best year for many, but I am truly grateful for the peace that I have felt during this season. When we are open to it, the lessons keep coming—and I promise you, joy always follows.





