
Assumptions. I know exactly what you are hearing in your head right now. Assumptions, they make and a%& out of you and me. What's the worst assumption that you have made? If you are brave enough, leave it in the comments. But before you do, let's break down what an assumption is so we can better realize when we are making one.

An assumption is something that you assume to be the case, even without proof. For example, people might make the assumption that you're a nerd if you wear glasses, even though that's not true. Or very nice. (I wear glasses and I wish I was a nerd.) 🤓

One of my clients, who has become a great friend, recently told me that the mind believes what we tell it.'re skeptical, you probably have every right to be. But is your mind telling you that everyone you meet is toxic because you have been treated poorly in the past? Are you on the defensive before you even give someone a chance? And to be clear, I am not just talking about romantic relationships. Did you see someone at work and think she's a bitch because she's pretty and dresses nice? Did you judge that guy because he has great style, perfect teeth and a gym membership that he uses on the reg? Did someone pay you a compliment—but you questioned it, because you think people aren't capable of being genuine?

I 100% believe in red flags—and those should not be ignored. But how many of those red flags actually belong to someone else...and how many belong to you? All of this to say, don't rob yourself of something great because of your assumptions. Don't freak out and lose your cool on someone who may just be trying to make a friend, or communicate their insecurities with you. Don't reject someone or freak out because you are wrapped up in your own triggers and fears.

Don't assume. Take your time...give people a chance to show you who they are...and then believe them when they do.




Let it Burn


Only The Lonely