Samantha B’s Story

In the summer of 2023, I found a lump in my right breast while I was showering. I made a doctor's appointment, and my doctor, as well as the associate doctor, were not concerned when they felt the lump. They sent me to an outside clinic for a mammogram and ultrasound and said they didn't feel the need to send me to the breast clinic as they didn't think we were going down a road of breast cancer. Unfortunately, I could not get an appointment earlier than November 28th for my images. I went to this appointment, and when I got home, I had a phone call from my family doctor saying that they saw something on the mammogram that they wanted to take a closer look at. So she was able to get me into the breast clinic for December 6th for a mammogram, ultrasound, and biopsy.

The surgical oncologist met with me after my mammogram and advised that although he wasn't overly concerned, he wanted to go ahead and do a biopsy. He also noted that he was surprised that I was able to find this lump on my own as it was very small and not overly noticeable when touched. The following week, I had a phone call on Wednesday asking which day would be best for a follow-up: Friday between 10-2 or Monday between 1-2. I thought, "Oh, it must be good news if they are giving me options for a phone call." I chose Monday as that was my lunchtime at work.

Monday, December 18th, 2023, I received the phone call that I had Invasive Ductal carcinoma and that I would need to start chemo right away. He said he believes that it is very early and that we will have a good outcome. I then did genetic testing of 79 genes, which all came back negative, thank God. I saw my oncologist, who was very optimistic as well, and started chemo on January 15th, 2024. I will be doing 4 rounds of AC and 4 rounds of Taxol. Two down and six more to go!

I will then be having a lumpectomy and radiation. My oncologist also has a clinical trial for blood markers throughout cancer treatment to help identify cancer and prognosis so I signed up for that. It has no benefit to me but it does for future women! I had decided to continue to work as a high school educational assistant but have since taken some time off for me and my family. I have a son who is 13 and a daughter who is 12. I need to have energy for them.



Taylor F’s Story


Nikita’s Story