Clare’s Story

Hi, my name is Clare and I live in Solihull, UK with my husband Paul, our 2 children Sophie (20) and Ethan (18), and Archie, our pomeranian. I am also a MODY3 diabetic. On Friday, September 15, 2023, I was taken into a room and told I had Grade-3 Breast Cancer. My life was instantly turned upside down. The emotions including fear of the unknown, feelings of isolation and just feeling absolutely petrified were overwhelming. 

For me this journey began after going for my first mammogram upon turning 50. A shadow turned up and further scans and biopsies confirmed it was Triple Negative breast cancer. This tumor (13mm) was not felt upon touch, therefore, I would not have known it was there if it wasn’t for the mammogram! NEVER delay a mammogram! I had a lumpectomy in October and I’m blessed to report that my margins and lymph nodes were clear, but I do need to have chemotherapy. My first chemotherapy session was in December and I have five more to go, plus three weeks of radiation. I also underwent genetic testing for the BRAC1 and BRAC2 gene and others and I am pleased to report that this came back negative. 

I feel very blessed to have had my cancer caught early, and to be given another chance at life. I know I’ve got a tough journey and changes ahead but I know I can fight this! My gratitude to my family, friends, doctors and charities that have helped me so far and given me HOPE.  Thank you  


Cheryl T’s Story


Cheryl’s Story