Founded by a Survivor, for Future Survivors

Our founder, Cathy Angel, a breast cancer survivor, knows firsthand the emotional and physical trials of the journey. She understands the power of a thoughtful gesture and the healing energy of love and support. Each gift box is carefully and lovingly curated to offer comfort, inspiration—and a touch of luxury. From cozy items to calming teas, we select each item with the intention of bringing comfort and joy to women undergoing cancer treatments and facing other hard times.

Click Here to Sponsor a Box for One of Our Applicants

When an individual applies or is nominated to receive a Boxed by an Angel box, we take the time to understand their story, interests and comfort requirements. This personal touch ensures that each box is carefully packed with items that cater to the recipient's physical and emotional well-being. Additionally, small tokens of encouragement, personalized notes, or uplifting quotes add an extra layer of warmth to the package. What sets Boxed by an Angel apart is its unique sponsorship model. Anyone with a compassionate spirit can become an "Angel" by sponsoring a custom-curated box for a woman in need. Through this platform, the connection between those seeking support and those willing to provide it is seamlessly facilitated, allowing for a direct and personal impact on the lives of those facing difficult circumstances.

Click Here to Gift a Box For a Loved One:

Receiving the news of a cancer diagnosis is an incredibly challenging moment, and often, no one quite knows how to respond or what to do to provide meaningful support. Here's where Boxed by an Angel steps in to help. This unique initiative provides a way to extend a gift with profound meaning, in a situation where words often fall short. Our approach goes beyond simply sending a package; we take the time to truly understand the unique needs of your loved one at every stage of their journey. We dedicate time and attention to sourcing unique items that go beyond the ordinary, aiming to surprise and delight women facing the challenges of cancer. Amidst the constant juggling act during treatment, the desire for personal care and indulgence often takes a back seat, as women prioritize the immediate demands of their health, family, and financial stability. Our founder understands this personally—and makes it a point to provide a source of comfort that your loved one may not explicitly ask for.

Shop Our Boxes

Carefully curated boxes designed to bring joy to women undergoing cancer treatment.

Our Story

Our Founder, Cathy Angel, shares how Boxed by an Angel came to life.

Become a Partner

Learn how you can join us in creating an impact in the lives of future survivors.